Our Occupational Therapist

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Elliot Starcevich


Occupational Therapist

Meet Elliot

Elliot graduated from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in 2015. For the majority of his career, Elliot has been working in Pediatrics, with a year experience in working with adults. Prior to becoming an OT, he was a teacher and loved educating, teaching and helping others in that role. Whilst teaching he felt he wanted to impact children in a different way, which led him to discovering OT. He enjoys working with kids because they bring him so much joy and feels he is making a huge difference. He loves how fun they are to be around and that they are teachable. Whilst living in Texas several years ago, Elliot was able to volunteer at a wheelchair clinic in Del Rio, Texas, assisting to distribute donated wheelchairs to kids and would help coordinate with the families in this process. The families were citizens of Mexico and were permitted to cross the border to receive these goods and services for these projects.

Following OT school, Elliot visited Acuña, Mexico where he was part of a work crew that built a house for a family in need. Elliot continues to volunteer in working with children in a variety of ways and through his church. After graduating, Elliot has continued to develop and further his clinical experience and expertise, becoming certified in the bal-a-vis-x program which comprises 250 exercises aimed at engaging the whole mind-body system for improved function. He was also certified in SAMA SATORI which is a de-escalation program targeting client aggression management and self-defense techniques against self-harm. When able, Elliot loves to travel and explore.